One of the worst things about shoes is odor. It can be at the least annoying and embarrassing. And at most a foot health hazard. There are many products on the market for just this reason. But keep in mind. Bacteria and fungi grow in moist dark environments. Just covering up the problem does not no good. We want to kill the germs that cause the odor not just cover it up. A few preventive measures for foot/shoe care that can banish the bacteria and fungi in turn extending the life of your shoes.
Some Products:
For more ideas check out Running in Heels . If you have any more green ideas let me know
Later Shoejunkies.
- WASH YOUR FEET. This may sound obvious but it may take 2 to 3 times a day. In heels. athletic shoes, and flip flops. The sweat and dirt build up. Find good brushes and volcanic stones to really keep them clean and dry. And get in between those toes.
- Tea tree oil , lemongrass oil, lavender oil diluted in olive oil directly on to feet are great at killing odor causing germs and not toxic when used topically. I mix a few parts with olive oil before bed time and wake up with soft germ free feet.
- Soak feet once a week. to keep callouses and dead skin at a minimum. Germs love dead skin cells. yum yum yum. Epsom salt is great but, maybe baking soda as a deodorizer with a few drops of lavender oil. Still keep the pampering part alive.
- Runners and athletes, take out those inner soles and let them dry completely before using them again. You should let them dry in the sun (if you can) since sunlight kills them. Wear cotton socks. A little cornstarch or talc in your socks helps as well to keep moisture at a minimum.
Some Products:
- Rockport Washable - machine washable casual leather shoes. This will help keep down bacteria inside and out. Awesome styling too. I first got wind of these at Shoe Smitten.
- Copper Sole Socks - there are a few different brands of these. The claim to kill 99.9% of bacteria and fungi associated with foot oder and other foot complications. They also come in athletic and dress styles. For more info check out Cupron. Insoles are also available.
- Lavilin Foot Deodorant Cream - It has no aluminum or other synthesized chemicals, this is a green product. It claims one dosed a day works for multiple days. Check the customer reviews@Amazon.
For more ideas check out Running in Heels . If you have any more green ideas let me know
Later Shoejunkies.
Yes! I was going to research this the other day because I have this problem with my gym shoes. Thanks for covering this topic!
Anything that can keep feet dry will help. Thank you for reading and commenting.
As always
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